October 4, 2017
Ryo Wakabayashi joined Prof. Roberto Fornari’s group at University of Parma in Italy for two weeks and conducted experiments related to doctor thesis research.
Discovery of superconductivity in titanium oxides
October 3, 2017
Superconductivity in Ti4O7 and γ-Ti3O5 films
K. Yoshimatsu, O. Sakata & A. Ohtomo
Scientific Reports 7, 12544 (5 pages) (2017).
STAC-10 Poster Prize
August 3, 2017
Congratulation to Takuto Soma on winning a poster prize at The Tenth International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-10)!
Poster presentations at STAC-10
August 1, 2017
Takuro and Junya presented posters at The Tenth International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-10) in Yokohama.
♣ Junya Ishimaru:Epitaxial growth and physical properties of La2CrMnO6 double-perovskite films,
♠ Takuto Soma:Eletrochemical modulation of electronic states for tungsten oxides epitaxial films,
Prof. Ohtomo gives an invited talk at ACCGE-21
August 1, 2017
Prof. Ohtomo presents an invited talk titled “Epitaxial growth of low valence transition – Metal oxides exhibiting novel electronic states” at the 21st American Conference on Crystal Growthand Epitaxy (ACCGE-21) in Symposium on Epitaxy of Complex Oxides held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
Welcome new lab members!
April 5, 2017
Welcome to Jung-Soo Lee, graduate student, Tomohiro Kobayashi, Yutaro Noguchi and Tatsuya Yajima, undergrad. students!
Two papers regarding tungsten oxides have been published in Applied Physics Express Vol.9 (article numbers: 075801 & 075802).
June 27, 2016
Our latest 2 papers regarding tungsten oxides appeared in Applied Physics Epress No. 9 in a row!
K. Yoshimatsu, T. Soma, & A. Ohtomo
Applied Physics Express, 9, 075802 (4 pages) (2016).
T. Soma, K. Yoshimatsu, & A. Ohtomo
Applied Physics Express, 9, 075801 (3 pages) (2016).
3 new undergrad students joined us
April 4, 2016
A warm welcome to Hiroshi Kurihara, Akito Nishi and Jun Mizushiro.